The Office of the State Controller created this page to provide agencies with up-to-date information on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) related topics. Please note each state agency may have their own ARPA updates as it pertains to their processes and roles and we encourage you to visit their website. Please check back regularly for updates and additional guidance as it becomes available.
State, local and tribal governments across America have been under an unprecedented strain in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. While the need for services has increased—including setting up emergency medical facilities, standing up vaccination sites, and supporting struggling small businesses—state and local revenues have plummeted as a result of the economic fallout from the crisis. At the height of the fallout, public sector employment fell by around 1.4 million jobs, including layoffs of 1 million educators, compared to around 750,000 job losses during the Great Recession. As a result, communities have faced untenable choices, between laying off educators, firefighters and other frontline workers or failing to provide services that communities rely on.
The American Rescue Plan provides $350 billion dollars in emergency funding for state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to remedy this mismatch between rising costs and falling revenues. This includes:
- $195 billion for states, (a minimum of $500 million for each State);
- $130 billion for local governments (a minimum of $1.25 billion per state is provided by the statute inclusive of the amounts allocated to local governments within the state);
- $20 billion for tribal governments; and
- $4.5 billion for territories
The Rescue Plan will provide needed relief to state, local, and Tribal governments to enable them to continue to support the public health response and lay the foundation for a strong and equitable economic recovery. In addition to helping these governments address the revenue losses they have experienced as a result of the crisis, it will help them cover the costs incurred due responding to the public health emergency and provide support for a recovery – including through assistance to households, small businesses and nonprofits, aid to impacted industries, and support for essential workers. It will also provide resources for state, local, and Tribal governments to invest in infrastructure, including water, sewer, and broadband services. Read more.
State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund
The Coronavirus SLFRF Recovery Funds provide substantial flexibility for each government to meet local needs—including support for households, small businesses, impacted industries, essential workers, and the communities hardest hit by the crisis. These funds can also be used to make necessary investments in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure.
Capital Projects Fund
The Capital Projects Fund addresses many challenges laid bare by the pandemic, especially in rural America, Tribal communities, and low and moderate income communities, helping to ensure that all communities have access to the high-quality modern infrastructure, including broadband, needed to access critical services.
Homeowner Assistance Fund
The purpose of the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) is to prevent mortgage delinquencies and defaults, foreclosures, loss of utilities or home energy services, and displacement of homeowners experiencing financial hardship after January 21, 2020.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program
COVID-19 has exacerbated an affordable housing crisis that predated the pandemic and that has exacerbated deep disparities that threaten the strength of an economic recovery that must work for everyone.
To meet this need, the Emergency Rental Assistance program makes funding available to assist households that are unable to pay rent or utilities.
State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) will fund state, territory, and Tribal government small business credit support and investment programs.
Coronavirus Relief Fund
Through the Coronavirus Relief Fund, the CARES Act provides for payments to State, Local, and Tribal governments navigating the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Assistance for American Industry
The COVID-19 public health crisis and resulting economic crisis have put many sectors of the American economy under unprecedented strain. The Treasury Department is offering financial support to American industry so they can better support American workers and play a pivotal part in driving the national recovery effort.
Assistance for State, Local and Tribal Governments - U.S. Department of Treasury
HB24-1466 Funding Source Change Letter
The Office of the State Controller has developed the Funding Source Change Letter that must be used for all grants and contracts refinanced under HB24-1466. Use of any other modification tool is not permitted. Please download and save the Funding Source Change Letter to your computer before generating completed documents. In addition, download and save the Cover Letter. The Cover Letter should be sent to each subrecipient or contractor receiving a Funding Source Change Letter.
- Funding Source Change Letter Please download and save document (updated 8/7/24)
- FSCL Cover Letter (updated 5/28/24)
- FAQs (updated 8/12/24)
SLFRF State Agency Desk Guide (updated 9.01.23)
The following videos are still relevant however, in October 2024, the Uniform Guidance was updated which may affect minor portions of these videos. These videos will be updated with current information soon.
2 CFR 200 Micro Training Videos
2 CFR 200 Micro Training Series Overview
Audits, Special Tests and Provisions Micro
Cost Principles and Allowable Uses Micro
Equipment and Real Property Micro
Procurement Suspension and Debarment Micro
NOTE: Compliance Documents will be updated to incorporate new Uniform Guidance revisions prior to the October 1, 2024 Effective date.
Compliance documents are intended for use by state agencies administering grant funds. All documents have been reviewed and approved by the State Controller.
Pre Award
How to Calculate Indirect Cost Rate (updated 12/2024)
Federal Funding Procurement Tool Table (updated 8.30.23)
Supplanting Guidance (updated 12/2024)
Subrecipient and Subcontractors: How to Validate your Entity and Obtain a UEI (updated 12/2024)
State Agencies: How to Verify if an Entity has an Active UEI (updated 12/2024)
Checking for Suspension and Debarment (updated 12/2024)
Conflict of Interest 2 CFR 200.318 (updated 1.31.23)
Duplication of Benefits Guide (updated 12/2024)
SLFRF and Internal Controls (updated 1.31.23)
SLFRF RFA Checklist (updated 8.31.23)
UEI FAQ (Updated 12.19.23)
What's the Difference between a Contract and a Grant (4.23.24)
Improvements on Owned or Leased Property with Federal Funds (12/2024)
SLFRF Cost Sharing or Matching (Updated 12/2024)
Risk Assessment Tool - download the tool and save to your computer
Risk Assessment Checklist (updated 1.31.23)
Subrecipient, Beneficiary or Contractor Classification Checklist (updated 12/2024)
SLFRF Statement of Work Guidance (Updated 12/2024)
SLFRF Subrecipient Award Checklist (updated 12/2024)
SLFRF Capital Expenditure Projects (updated 12/2024)
Insurance Requirements for Grants (updated 12/2024)
Capital Expenditures for Equipment, IT and Other Assets (1.03.24)
Post Award
What's in a Grant File (updated 7.18.24)
Marketing and Public Relations (updated 12/2024)
Entertainment Purchases with Federal Funds (Updated 12/2024)
SLFRF Procurement Checklist (Updated 12/2024)
Pass Through Entity Responsibilities Checklist (updated 12/2024)
Procurement Guidance for SLFRF Awards (updated 12/2024)
Supporting Documentation updated 5.16.23)
2 CFR 200 Subpart E-Cost Principles Basic Considerations 2 CFR 200.400-200.419) (updated 12/24)
2 CFR 200 Subpart E-Cost Principles Selected Items of Cost 2 CFR 200.421-200.475) (updated 12/24)
Program Income (Updated 10.01.24)
SLFRF Incentive Guidance (12/2024)
SLFRF Fraud Waste and Abuse (12/2024)
SLFRF Time and Effort (12/2024)
SLFRF Department Closeout step by Step (updated 12/2024)
Single Audit Reviews (updated 12/2024)
Subrecipient Single Audit Responsibilities (12/2024)
SLFRF Awarding Agency and Subrecipient Closeout (updated 12/2024)
SLFRF Subrecipient Closeout Checklist (updated 10.27.23)
SLFRF Grant Records Retention (updated 12/2024)
SLFRF Single Audits (updated 12/2024)
The framework documents are intended to provide a roadmap for how to construct SLFRF funded programs for Expenditure Categories 1 - 5.
Category 1 - Framework for COVID-19 Public Health Projects
Category 2 - Framework for Negative Economic Impact Related Projects
Category 3 - Framework for Public Sector Capacity and Workforce Projects
Category 4 - Framework for Premium Pay Projects
Category 5 - Framework for Broadband Infrastructure Projects
Category 5b - Framework for Water & Sewer Infrastructure Projects
Please download and save the checklist to your computer
SLFRF Expenditure Category 1.7 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 1.11 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 1.12 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 1.13 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 1.14 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 2.3 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 2.10 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 2.11 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 2.12 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 2.15 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 2.16 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 2.18 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 2.34 Checklist
SLFRF Expenditure Category 2.35 Checklist
IRS Updated FAQs
Updated FAQs for states and local governments on taxability and reporting of SLFRF payments
State Guidance
SLFRF Refinanced Grants and Contracts Policy (new 7/31/24)
OSC State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Reference Guide (new 6/01/23)
Expenditure Category Determination (5/3/22)
Subrecipient Information Reporting for Revenue Replacement Expenditure Category (6/12/23)
Fixed Amount Subawards - SLFRF, BEAD and CPF (6/17/24)
Recipients, Internal Recipients, and Subrecipients for SLFRF (updated 10.27.23)
Federal Guidance
SLFRF Final Rule FAQ (new 7/27/22)
SLFRF Compliance and Reporting Guidance (new 6/6/23)
SLFRF Federal Register Final Rule (new 2/11/22)
SLFRF Final Rule (new 1/6/22)
SLFRF Final Rule Overview (new 1/6/22)
SLFRF Compliance Statement (new 1/6/22)
Final Rule Webinar Presentation (new 1/19/22)
US Treasury Final Rule Webinar (new 1/19/22)
Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds - U.S. Department of the Treasury
Quick Reference Guide - CSLFRF
Compliance and Reporting Responsibilities
Compliance and Reporting Guidance
Increasing Transparency into COVID-19 Spending (
Higher Education Guidance
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
M-21-20 Promoting Public Trust in the Federal Government through Effective Implementation of the American Rescue Plan Act and Stewardship of Taxpayer Resources.
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) - Highlights of the American Rescue Plan
The Council on State Governments
New Analysis of State ARPA Fund Allocations Based on Recovery Plans (
SLFRF Reporting Q&A's (updated 9/30/24)
SLFRF Grant Agreement Template Q&A's
Capital Expenditures FAQ Document (updated 6/13/24)
Comments or questions pertaining to SLFRF email:
The General Assembly appropriated about $1 billion of SLFRF to 15 departments in the 2021 session. The OSC is providing guidance, monitoring, and reporting for all ARPA programs and is working with the Recovery Office, OSPB, Governor’s Office, and Departments.
SLFRF Reporting
State of Colorado June 30, 2024 SLFRF Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report
State of Colorado March 31, 2024 SLFRF Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report
State of Colorado December 31, 2023 SLFRF Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report
State of Colorado September 30, 2023 SLFRF Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report
State of Colorado Recovery Plan State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Performance Report, July 31, 2024
State of Colorado June 30, 2023 SLFRF Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report
State of Colorado March 31, 2023 SLFRF Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report
State of Colorado December 31, 2022 SLFRF Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report
State of Colorado September 30, 2022 SLFRF Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report
State of Colorado July 30, 2022 SLFRF Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report
State of Colorado Recovery Plan: State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Performance Report, July 31, 2022
State of Colorado March 31, 2022 SLFRF Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report
State of Colorado December 31, 2021 SLFRF Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report
State of Colorado Recovery Plan August 31, 2021 Performance Report
State of Colorado August 31 2021 SLFRF Interim Report to US Treasury
- The SLFRF Financial Activity Reporting will be due April 7
- The SLFRF Performance Metrics Reporting will be due April 15
SLFRF Reporting User Guide (Updated 9/27/24)
SLFRF Financial Activity Template (Updated 9/27/24)
SLFRF Performance Metrics Template
IHE Reporting Requirements Checklist (updated 9.30.24)
NOTE: As SLFRF funds must be obligated by 12/31/2024, the OSC has removed the links to the SLFRF specific grant agreement templates. Please reach out to the OSC Compliance Liaison assigned to your department with any questions.
HB24-1466 Funding Source Change Letter
The Office of the State Controller has developed the Funding Source Change Letter that must be used for all grants and contracts refinanced under HB24-1466. Use of any other modification tool is not permitted. Please download and save the Funding Source Change Letter to your computer before generating completed documents. In addition, download and save the Cover Letter. The Cover Letter should be sent to each subrecipient or contractor receiving a Funding Source Change Letter.
- Funding Source Change Letter (updated 5/28/24)
- FSCL Cover Letter (updated 5/28/24)
- FAQs (updated 5/31/24)
SLFRF Grant Agreement Templates
The Office of the State Controller issued new Grant Agreement, Intergovernmental Grant Agreement, and Interagency Grant Agreement templates for use with State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF). These templates incorporate important reporting and compliance requirements.
NOTE: In order to ensure that departments are using the most current version of the grant agreement templates, departments must check the OSC website prior to generating grant agreements as guidelines and requirements are frequently changing. If you are unsure which template to use, the OSC has created a scenario-based tool to assist in determining the most appropriate template to use.
After clicking on the link to the grant agreement template below, please download and save to your computer before generating completed documents.
- SLFRF Grant Agreement (12/11/24 Please contact your OSC Liaison)
- SLFRF Intergovernmental Grant Agreement (12/11/24 Please contact your OSC Liaison)
- SLFRF Interagency Grant Agreement (12/11/24 Please contact your OSC Liaison)
The use of the SLFRF templates are mandatory when awarding grants using SLFRF funds. The grant agreement package must be used for all SLFRF subrecipients and contains the following pieces.
- Standard grant agreement language and provisions
- Exhibit A Statement of Work
- Exhibit B Option Letter
- Exhibit C Budget (including SLFRF Expenditure Modification Form)
- Exhibit D Federal Provisions (including SLFRF reporting and compliance requirements)
- Exhibit E Subrecipient Certification Form (updated 12/16/21)
- Exhibit F SLFRF Subrecipient Quarterly Report requirements (including SLFRF Subrecipient Quarterly Report Workbook with Program Income) (updated 9/26/23)
- Exhibit G SLFRF Reporting Modification Form
- Exhibit H, PII Certification
- Exhibit I, HIPAA BAA
SLFRF Grant Agreement Training Video
SLFRF Grant Agreement Resource Document (updated 9.13.23)
To view a crosswalk of SLFRF Grant Agreement Template changes click here.
SLFRF Grant Agreement Amendment
If your department has already issued grant agreements for SLFRF funding using templates other than the OSC approved SLFRF templates, the following SLFRF Grant Agreement Amendment template must be used to incorporate important reporting and compliance requirements. If you have questions, please contact to discuss next steps.
- SLFRF Grant Agreement Amendment (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
- SLFRF Grant Amendment Training Video (1/05/22)
- SLFRF Grant Amendment Template Resource Document (4/20/23)
The Office of the State Controller has completed a new Certification Agreement for State And Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF). The agreement includes provisions that the State agreed to prior to the U.S. Department of Treasury sending SLFRF funds to the State. Every state agency that has been awarded SLFRF funds by the Office of State Planning & Budgeting must sign the Certification Agreement to acknowledge and comply with Treasury's requirements.
After an agency has reviewed and approved the Certification Agreement, the agency will send the completed agreement to their OSC Recovery Compliance Liaison. Contact Stacey Alles if you have any questions.
*Download the form to your computer to fill and sign
Department Agreement with Recipient of Federal Recovery Funds
Treasury's Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Colorado
Guidance on Distribution of Funds to Non-entitlement Units of Local Government
Non-entitlement Unit of Local Government Definitional and Data Methodology
Non-entitlement Unit of Local Government Checklist for Requesting Initial Payment
Award Terms and Conditions for Non-entitlement Units of Local Government
Assurances of Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds FAQ's
Distribution of Funds to Non-entitlement Unites of Local Government FAQ's
Build America Buy America Guidance (12/2024)
Davis Bacon Guidance (12/2024)
NEPA Guidance (12/2024)
NHPA Guidance (12/2024)
Justice 40 Compliance Document (12/2024)
Contact Information
All media requests should be directed to the Executive Director's Office of Communications