Central Payroll Services

Central Payroll generates classified employee payroll, sets statewide payroll policies, provides services to State agency payroll offices, and manages tax, benefits, and garnishment payments. Provides professional and technical guidance to Payroll, Human Resources and Benefits personnel in agencies. Processes payroll and distributes employees' earnings correctly and timely. Collects deductions from each employee required by law including taxes, PERA, and garnishments and voluntary deductions such as medical insurance, 401K, and 457. Distributes payments to federal and state agencies, courts, and other vendors. Reconciles overall payroll.

To ensure security of the state's CPPS system, we will be requiring each agency to audit who within their group has access, if that level of access is appropriate, and if the access is still necessary. This audit is required as part of the quarterly reporting through the Financial Services Unit, but agencies are encouraged to update user access as soon as staffing changes occur. Central Payroll, in combination with the CPPS OIT team, have created an agency by agency CPPS user reports available in OnBase. These reports will be updated daily to facilitate the regular and timely updating of user access. Any new adds, changes, or removals will need to have a CPPS Security Request Form (with Statement of Agreement) completed. For removals, we only need one signature from someone in an authority position within the agency.

To join the PPUG google Group, click the link above, then click "Ask to Join". If your email address does not end in @state.co.us, you will need to make your request to join through Central payroll at our shared inbox: state_centralpayroll@state.co.us

Communications include the following:

  • Payroll/Labor Allocation Calendar Updates
  • CPPS System Updates
  • HR/Benefit Updates
  • Labor Allocation Updates
  • Commuter Updates