Financial Reports

Financial reports issued by the Office of the State Controller are presented on the below links.

Fiscal Management Publications

Transparency Online Project

The Transparency Online Project (TOP) System pulls together many of the ways that Colorado State Government demonstrates accountability. The TOP system was created by an Executive order of the Governor in April 2009 and endorsed by the legislature in House Bill 09-1288.


Reporting Unit

The Reporting Unit provides financial information for the citizen, legislator, and government manager. It produces the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, monthly revenue summaries, quarterly financial reports, Schedule of TABOR Computations, and other statutory and ad hoc reports. The Unit also acts as the administrator for Info Advantage which is the State's primary financial reporting tool.


Paul Reynolds

Cost Plan Unit

The Cost Plan Unit prepares the federal statewide indirect cost allocation plan and coordinates indirect cost negotiations with the federal government. It prepares the statewide budget/cash indirect cost allocation plan and provides support for the Joint Budget Committee in explaining and defending allocations. The Unit reviews agency federal indirect cost rate proposals requested by agencies, provides technical assistance and training to agencies related to cost accounting matters, and assists agencies in developing and implementing cost identification and allocation systems.


Mark Davis