Security Policy for Access to State Financial Systems

Security Policy

Please refer to Chapter 8: Section 1 of the Fiscal Procedures Manual for the most current version of the Statewide Security Policy for Access to the State Financial System.

Security Administration for State Financial Systems

The State Controller may delegate security administration responsibility to department controllers. These agencies must demonstrate the ability to adequately maintain security over the processing of transactions and access of information in the Colorado Operations Resource Engine (CORE).

Questions about security administration should be directed to dpa_farmailbox@state.co.us.


For all state agencies except for Institutions of Higher Education:

For user to obtain access to CORE:

  1. Access and Policy go to CORE Forms.

For user to obtain access to Financial Data Warehouse (FDW), and Document Direct (DD):

  1. Complete and sign the Security Request Form for FDW & Document Direct and obtain the approval of the department controller.
  2. Submit completed request form and Statement of Compliance to your agency's security administrator.

For user to obtain access to CPPS and Human Resources Data Warehouse:

  1. Please visit the Colorado Central Payroll Services webpage, the forms and instructions are located under Security Access and Audit Information.
  2. Submit completed request form and Statement of Compliance to your agency's security administrator.