Central Contracts Unit (CCU)

The Office of the State Controller receives its authority over contracts pursuant to CRS § 24-30-202, which, amongst other things, sets forth certain disbursement, contract and payment requirements, the requirement that expenditure contracts be approved by the State Controller or his delegate to be valid and the State Controller's authority to create Fiscal Rules to carry out his duties. Obligations that violate the Controller's statute are not binding against the State and any person involved in ordering/incurring the obligation can be held jointly and severally liable for it.

The Central Contracts Unit (CCU) is responsible for:

  • Processing contracts for non-delegated agencies/institutions of higher education (IHEs)
  • Processing high risk contracts for all agencies/IHEs
  • Processing statutory violations
  • Processing requests for Fiscal Rule waivers for FR Chapter 3 and FR 4-1
  • Creating state model contracts & state purchase order terms & conditions
  • Approving agency/IHE specific contract templates
  • Pre-reviewing contracts and/or changed provisions
  • Delegating State Controller contract signature
  • Maintaining a record of Executive Director contract signature delegations
  • Monitoring the performance of delegated agencies/IHEs
  • Contract training
  • Contract Management System (CMS) day-to-day user issues and vendor support

Please Note: Information and registration for all future training opportunities will now be posted on the Procurement Training page.

The CCU works with all Central Approvers (State Purchasing Office, Human Resources, Attorney General's Office, Office of the State Architect, Risk Management and Office of Information Technology) to ensure that contracts comply with all laws, rules and regulations.


Executive Director Signature

Pursuant to the Office of the State Controller (OSC) Policy, Signature Authority Delegation, executive authorities for State agencies and institutions for higher education may delegate his or her signature authority to certain individuals or positions. Please refer to the OSC Contract Policies for more information.

In order to transmit notice of the approved executive signature delegation, the following form must be completed and transmitted to the OSC: Record of Authorized Contract Signatories.

State Controller Signature

Pursuant to the Office of the State Controller (OSC) Policies, Signature Authority Delegation, Review and Approval of State Contracts Delegated Agencies and Review and Approval of State Contracts Delegated Institutions of Higher Education, the OSC may delegate certain individuals for State Controller signature authority to allow specified expenditure contracts to be approved at the State agency or institution of higher education. Please refer to the OSC Contract Policies.

If an individual at a State agency or institution of higher education is interested in obtaining delegation for State Controller signature authority, he or she can contact a member of the Central Contracts Unit.

If you need to modify an existing delegation for your agency, please complete and submit this form to your Controller Delegate. If your agency needs to change its Controller Delegate, please contact a member of the Central Contracts Unit.

Statutory Violations and Fiscal Rule Waivers can be submitted through the SPCO eSubmissions page.


Ryan Yarrow | Central Contracts Manager
Amanda Carroll | Central Contracts Specialist
Venessa Huynh | Central Contracts Specialist
Nathan Manley | Central Contracts Specialist
Melissa Vorenberg | Central Contracts Specialist

Agency Assignments

For more information contact:

Ryan Yarrow