Contract Related Employment Laws

Public Contracts for Services

A Colorado law concerning public contracts for services and illegal aliens became effective on August 7, 2006 and was amended on May 13, 2008. The law applies to contractors who enter into or renew public contracts for services with a state agency or political subdivision.

Guidance for Public Contracts for Services
Forms for Public Contracts for Services
Links for Additional Guidance on Public Contracts for Services

Public Contracts with Natural Persons and Restrictions on Benefits

A Colorado law concerning public contracts with natural persons and restrictions on benefits became effective on August 1, 2006.

Guidance for Public Contracts with Natural Persons and Restrictions on Benefits
Forms for Public Contracts with Natural Persons and Restrictions on Benefits

Department of Revenue The Certification and Affidavit form is required if:

  • Vendor/Contractor provides services, and/or Vendor/Contractor is a sole proprietor, and
  • A written contract or purchase order is not required under Fiscal Rule 2-2, and
  • Vendor/Contractor provides services and/or sole proprietor provides services or delivers goods without a written contract or purchase order.

Certification and Affidavit

Colorado Employment Verification Law

A Colorado law concerning employment verification by all public &, private employers in Colorado, and in addition to separate federal I-9 requirements, became effective on January 1, 2007 for employees hired on and after January 1, 2007. There are two main components: (1) an affirmation requirement, and (2) a requirement to make &, retain copies of employee identity and employment eligibility documentation.

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For more information contact:

Ryan Yarrow