The following are Central Contract Unit (CCU) approved State model contracts, which are periodically updated:
- Contract Templates & Modification Tools
Contract Templates
- Interagency Agreement (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
- Interagency Short Form (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
- Personal Services Contract (Updated for Accessibility July 2024)
- Intergovernmental Agreement (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
- Main Task Order Contract (Updated for Accessibility July 2024)
- Information Technology Contract (Updated November 2023)
Modification Tools
- Modification of Contracts - Tools and Forms (Updated April 2019)
- Amendment (Updated for Accessibility July 2024)
- Assignment
- Option Letter (Updated for Accessibility July 2024)
- Task Order (Updated for Accessibility July 2024)
The following templates and modification tools are to be used for Grants
- Grant Agreement Templates
Grant Templates
- Grant Agreement (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
- Intergovernmental Grant Agreement (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
- Interagency Grant Agreement (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
- Tribal Grant Agreement Template (Updated September 2022)
Grant Award & Modification Tools
- Grant Amendment (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
- Grant Assignment (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
- Grant Option Letter (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
- Grant Funding Change Letter (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
- Creating a POGG1 for a Small Dollar Grant Award - Job Aid (PDF)
- Modifying a POGG1 for a Small Dollar Grant Award - Job Aid (PDF)
Special Attachments to Grants
- Grant Federal Provisions Exhibit (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
Crosswalk of OSC Uniform Guidance Changes
- 2024 UG Crosswalk of Changes - Grant Agreements and Modification Tools (Updated Nov. 2024)
If you have questions about the Grants Templates or Tools, please contact the Grants Unit directly.
The following information is for special circumstances that require provision exhibits:
- Special Attachments to Contracts
If your contract or purchase is for Information Technology goods or services, and this exhibit is not already included in the template, you must attach this Exhibit C, Information Technology Provisions:
- Information Technology Provisions Exhibit (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
If your contract or purchase includes FFATA funds, you must include the Federal Funding Provisions for the State of Colorado.
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA)
Federal Funding Exhibits (Combined FFATA and OMB)
- Contract Federal Provisions Exhibit (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
FAQ on PII Certification Requirement
Federal Tax Information Exhibit (Updated for Accessibility December 2024)
Third Party Individual Certification for Access to PII Through a Database or Automated Network
Third Party Entity/Organization Certification for Access to PII Through a Database or Automated Network
The following forms and agreements are approved and maintained by the Office of the State Architect:
- Real Estate Templates
- Construction Contract Forms (Office of the State Architect/State Buildings Program)
- Lease Agreements for Real Property (Office of State Architect/Real Estate Program)
- Real Property Lease (to be used only by the Department of Natural Resources (Parks and Wildlife, State Land Board) and Department of Transportation) (Updated January 2015)
If you have questions about the Real Estate Templates please contact the Office of the State Architect directly.
The following HIPAA information is used for Contracts and Grants:
- HIPAA Compliance
HIPAA (Public Law 104-191)
- HIPAA 101: The Basics & Business Associates (This document contains slides of a presentation given at the Colorado Contract Improvement Team meeting on August 21, 2002 by Kathleen Archuleta from the Attorney General's Office)
- HIPAA insert to the contract manual
- Model HIPAA contract clause and addendum for new contracts or amendments (Updated for Accessibility July 2024)
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For more information contact:
Ryan Yarrow