Contract & Grant Forms

The following are Central Contract Unit (CCU) approved State model contracts, which are periodically updated:

Contract & Grant Templates

The following information is for special circumstances that require provision exhibits:

Special Attachments to Contracts & Grants

If your contract or purchase is for Information Technology goods or services, and this exhibit is not already included in the template, you must attach this Exhibit C, Information Technology Provisions:


If your contract or purchase includes FFATA funds, you must include the Federal Funding Provisions for the State of Colorado.

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA)

Federal Funding Exhibits (Combined FFATA and OMB)

FAQ on PII Certification Requirement 
Federal Tax Information Exhibit
Third Party Individual Certification for Access to PII Through a Database or Automated Network
Third Party Entity/Organization Certification for Access to PII Through a Database or Automated Network


The following forms and agreements are approved and maintained by the Office of the State Architect:

Real Estate Templates

Modification tools are included as part of State Controller policies:

Modification Tools

Modification of Contracts - Tools and Forms (Updated April 2019)

Grant Award and Modification Tools

The following HIPAA information is used for Contracts and Grants:

HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA (Public Law 104-191)

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For more information contact:

Ryan Yarrow