The eSubmissions system utilizes online PDF fillable forms for common requests, with additional forms being added as the procurement and fiscal rules are implemented. Please note these forms are for use by procurement staff only, not vendors.
eSubmission Request Forms
Contract Management System (CMS)
Cooperative Purchasing
- Lead a Cooperative Purchase §24-110-201, C.R.S.
- Participate in a Cooperative Purchase §24-110-201, C.R.S.
- Contract Exceeding 5 Years (Pre Contract) §24-106-105, C.R.S.
- Contract Extension due to Extenuating Circumstances (Post Contract) under §24-106-105(1), C.R.S.
- DQ Over Small Purchase Threshold 1 CCR 101-9 R-24-103-201-01(b)
- Mandatory Price Agreement Waiver 1 CCR 101-9 R-24-102-201-01(c)
- Group I Sole Source §24-103-205, C.R.S.
- Special Circumstance Procurement 1 CCR 101-9 R-24-103-208-04
- Fiscal Rule Waiver
- Keep Jobs in Colorado § 24-102-206
- Statewide Debarment 1 CCR 101-9 R-24-109-105-03
- Statutory Violation §24-30-202, C.R.S.
- Limitation of Liability under FR 3-1, Section 6.3 NEW
- Purchase Order / Small Dollar Grant Award Modification Request
Instructions and Process
- Choose the correct form from the list above. Download the form to your computer before you begin filling it out.
- Complete the PDF fillable form in its entirety. All questions must be answered. Be sure to save the PDF again or you may lose your work.
- Compose an email to and attach the completed request form as well as any additional documentation. This may include the solicitation, contract, quotes or other documents that support this request. This email, the form, and additional documentation are now known as your 'request'. Please note: a new request must be submitted for each individual issue or transaction; they cannot be combined.
- Your request then enters an automated workflow process within the SPCO. You will receive a confirmation email that will include your internal control (reference) number.
- As your request and attached materials are being reviewed by members of the SPCO you will be contacted with any questions.
- You will be notified of a final decision – approval or denial - by email from
Please do not send requests directly to members of the SPCO. Failure to follow the process may result in a delay in the review and approval process.
For more information contact:
Sandy Schweitzer