
Where to find solicitations:

Finding solicitations, sorted by purchasing unit
Purchasing UnitGoods & Services SolicitationsConstruction NoticesBridges & Highway Construction
Most State AgenciesColoradoVSSColoradoVSSNA
Colorado Community College SystemColoradoVSSColoradoVSS or Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing SystemNA
Colorado Department of TransportationRocky Mountain E- Purchasing SystemRocky Mountain E- Purchasing SystemBidExpress
Adams State University
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University
Fort Lewis College
University of Northern Colorado
Western State Colorado University
Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing SystemRocky Mountain E-Purchasing SystemNA
University of ColoradoRocky Mountain E- Purchasing SystemRocky Mountain E- Purchasing SystemNA

While email notifications are available, we recommend vendors check websites regularly to ensure opportunities are not missed.


  • Vendors can respond to select solicitations online.
  • Vendors can register for FREE and update account information.
  • NIGP Commodity codes are used to identify products or services offered by vendors. Email notifications (for new solicitations) are sent based on commodity codes selected.
  • In order to ensure the integrity of our vendor records, we verify information through Dun and Bradstreet.
  • Instructions are posted on the ColoradoVSS website in the Quick Start Guide to help all vendors access the website for the first time.
  • The ColoradoVSS help desk may be reached by emailing vsshelp@state.co.us.

For more information contact:

Barbara Musick