The State Purchasing and Contracts Office (SPCO) offers free training on a range of topics for the procurement community. All upcoming training will be announced on this page, with a registration link. In addition, any procurement resources that are developed can be accessed here.
Please note: Contract Drafting Boot Camp and Controller Pre-Delegation Training are available to all state employees. Procurement training courses that are part of the certificate path are only available for state procurement personnel.
Upcoming Training Opportunities
Statutory Violations training is now available through your agency/IHE's LMS. Please contact your agency controller for more information.
Contract Drafting Bootcamp - Online
Date | Time | Register |
4/24/25 | 8:00 am - 3:00 pm | Register for Contract Drafting Bootcamp |
Controller Pre-Delegation Training - Online
Date | Time | Register |
5/20/25 | 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Register for Controller Pre-Delegation Training |
Procurement Training / Certificate Paths
- Certificates
Linked courses are available in COPROU. Courses without links are planned but not yet available.
Procurement Official Certification
Basic Procurement Certification
- Foundations of Procurement (understand Colorado procurement laws, rules, policies, etc.)
- Ethics & Conflicts of Interest
- Methods of Source Selection (overview of all methods to choose vendors)
- Overview of Commitment Vouchers (purchase orders, contracts)
- Statutory Violations and Unauthorized Purchases
Purchasing Certification
- Planning and Research (includes market research, RFIs)
- Cooperative Purchasing
- Procurement Writing (specifications and statements of work)
- Invitation for Bids
- Documented Quotes
- Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
Contracts Certification
- Procurement Writing (specifications and statements of work)
- Contract Provisions
- Indemnification and Limitations of Liability (or Impermissible Contract Terms)
- Successful Contract Management
Advanced Procurement Certification
- Request for Proposals
- Invitation to Negotiate
- Negotiations
- Pricing/Payment Structures
- Advanced Procurement Writing
Resources for Contract Management Training
- Documents
State Controller Procurement Conflicts of Interest Technical Guidance
State Controller Procurement Conflicts of Interest Policy
- Online Resources
PAC Summit and Price Agreement Week Training
- PAC Summit 2022
PAC Summit Day 1 Slides (includes Bid Rigging & Anti-Trust and Market Research)
PAC Summit Day 1 Recording (includes Bid Rigging & Anti-Trust and Market Research)
Procurement Protest & Appeals Slides
Procurement Protest & Appeals Recording
Construction Training Recording
- Price Agreement Week 2022
- Price Agreement Month 2024
- Agenda
- SPCO Slides
- National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) Slides
- Governor's Office of Information Technology Slides
- Recording of Virtual Event
- Basics of Cooperative Purchasing Course
Vendor Training
- Resources
- ACCESSColorado
- Invitation to Negotiate (process overview)