News Article

State Purchasing and Contracts Office Star Award

DENVER - April 7, 2021 - Last month the State Purchasing & Contracts Office (SPCO) held its first-ever Virtual Procurement Advisory Council Summit. Nearly 170 procurement professionals from around the State joined in via Zoom to celebrate governmental procurement month and to hear updates from the SPCO on the disparity study, contracts, and State price agreements. Sherri Maxwell, Colorado’s Chief Procurement Officer, awarded the new Rising Star Award, which celebrates new state procurement employees who show great potential, to Renee Albersheim from OIT.

State of Colorado to Address Disparities in Procurement

Friday, Dec. 4, 2020 - The Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration released findings today from the State of Colorado Disparity Study, which examines equity in Statewide contracts awarded to historically underutilized businesses.

Central Collections Services Closure Notice

DENVER - July 27, 2020 - As part of the Department of Personnel & Administration, Central Collections Services (CCS) has historically worked with both State and Federal authorities to provide revenue recovery services and comprehensive support for Colorado State Agencies, Departments, Statewide Judicial Districts, Corrections, Political Subdivisions, as well as Institutions of Higher Education. Over time, the environment in which Central Collections Services operates has changed significantly.