Competition Requirements for Grants Guidance

State Controller Guidance

Effective Date:10/25/24

Approved by: Robert Jaros, CPA, MBA, JD, Colorado State Controller


  • The Federal Office of Management & Budget (OMB) promulgated the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, commonly referred to as the “Uniform Guidance” (2 CFR Part 200). The Uniform Guidance requires the State to comply with its procurement code when awarding Grants that use federal funds. The State has exempted Grants from the Procurement Code. To clarify the Competitive Process for the awarding of Grants that are exempt from the Procurement Code, the Office of the State Controller issued a Policy entitled “Competition Requirements for Grants” (“Policy”). The purpose of this Technical Guidance is to assist State departments, employees, and individuals in complying with the Policy.
  • The requirements for competition in the Policy apply to all Competitive Grants awarded by the State. The Policy requirements for competition do not apply to the award of Contracts, which are procured in accordance with the Procurement Code. The Policy also does not apply to Institutions of Higher Education that are exempt from the Procurement Code or to Legislative and Judicial Branches.

General Guidance Definitions

  • All terms used in this technical guidance that are defined in the Policy shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Policy. For the purposes of this Technical Guidance, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below.
    • Applicant. An entity that submits an Application for a Grant from a State Agency.
    • Award Classifications. Are defined in Appendix 1 to this Technical Guidance.
    • Exchange Transaction. A reciprocal transfer between a Contractor and a State Agency in which a Contractor delivers goods or provides services to a State Agency, the State Agency uses the goods or directly benefits from the services, and the State Agency pays fair value for the goods or services.
    • Fiscal Agent. An entity that takes responsibility for financial or other types of transactions for another entity. For purposes of an Application and resulting Grant Agreement, a Fiscal Agent is a separate entity that agrees to assure that a project will use awarded grant funds to accomplish the ends described in the Application and the resulting Grant Agreement.
    • Grant Agreement. A legal instrument of financial assistance between an awarding agency or PTE and a recipient, memorializing the terms of a Federal award or State Grant.
    • Grantor. The State entity that passes funds to a Grantee.
    • Non-exchange Transaction. A transaction in which an awarding agency transfers anything of value to carry out a public purpose authorized of law, instead of acquiring property or services for its direct benefit.
    • OMB Procurement Methods. Following three methods of procurement described in the OMB Uniform Guidance: informal procurement (for micro-purchase and simplified acquisitions), formal procurement (through sealed bids or competitive proposals), and non-competitive proposals. (See 2 CFR §200.320)
    • Purchased Services. The acquisition of services which directly benefit specific groups or individuals in the public at large as defined by law, from public or private entities licensed, certified, or otherwise authorized by statute to provide such services. (See CRS §24-50-502(3)) A State agency entering into a Contract for Purchased Services pays fair value to the provider of the services.

Award Classifications - General.

  • All transactions where a State Agency will provide funds or transfer anything of value to another entity are classified as a Grant or Contract. See the table in Appendix 1 to this Technical Guidance for the description of and requirements for each Award Classification.
  • An Award of federal or State funds shall be classified as a Grant or Contract based upon the nature of the transaction, and not the funding source. Funding sources under which a State Agency may receive funds may include any of the following:
Funding SourceCharacteristics
Discretionary/CompetitiveState Agency exercises judgment in selecting Grantees/Subrecipients using a Competitive Process. Includes private/foundation grants
Statutory/FormulaState agency receives and distributes Grant funds to Grantees/Subrecipients, subject to Grantees/Subrecipients meeting certain qualifications as determined by the Grant awarding authority or statutory directive. Includes categorical grants in which the federal awarding agency directs that Federal Award funds may only be spent for narrowly defined purposes
BlockFederal awarding agency makes Federal Awards with only general provisions and directions to the State Agency regarding the way in which the federal funds are to be spent.
State FundedGeneral Assembly provides funds to a State Agency for Awards to Grantees.

Award Classifications - Habitat Enhancement Projects on State Lands

This section applies only to habitat enhancement projects on State land. Habitat enhancement projects on non-State lands are subject to the “Award Classifications – General” section above. An Award of State funds for a habitat enhancement project located on State land will be classified as a Grant or Contract based upon the characteristics of the transaction and the funding sources.

Funding SourceCharacteristics
State Funded + No Match (State Land)Award is funded using State Funds for a habitat enhancement project located on State land
State Agency follows the Procurement Code in selecting Contractors
State Funded + Match (State Land)Award is funded using State Funds and matching funds provided by the Grantee/Subrecipient. The habitat enhancement project is located on State land
State Agency follows Competitive Process requirements for Grants Policy in selecting Grantees/Subrecipients


  • A Grant Agreement for a habitat enhancement project located on State land must include terms that limit the State’s risk. The Grant Agreement must include:
    • A requirement for the Grantee/Subrecipient to provide performance and payment bonds for work performed and materials supplied on State land or, in lieu thereof;
    • At the sole discretion of the State Agency, provisions requiring the Grantee/Subrecipient to indemnify and hold harmless the State Agency from any claims or losses incurred by the State Agency as a result of:
      • The failure of the Grantee/Subrecipient to complete the habitat enhancement project in accordance with its specifications; and
      • The failure of the Grantee/Subrecipient to pay subcontractors and suppliers for labor or materials provided in connection with the habitat enhancement project on State land.
      • The failure of the Grantee/Subrecipient or its subcontractors to perform any of the obligations identified above will constitute a breach of the Grant Agreement. The Grantee/Subrecipient shall remain liable to the State Agency for any damages sustained by the State Agency in connection with any breach by the Grantee/Subrecipient.
    • At the sole discretion of the State Agency, a Contract for a habitat enhancement project located on State land, funded solely by cash provided or services performed by the donor of such funds or services, may contain the indemnification and hold harmless terms and conditions required in section 2 above, in lieu of a requirement for performance and payment bonds.

Competitive Process

  • Request for Application Example. A Request for Application or “RFA” is a common competitive process used to award grants. An example of an RFA template is available on the OSC website, but State Agencies may develop their own RFA template in their discretion.


  • Grants. If an entity disagrees with the determination of whether that entity should have received a Competitive Grant or with a determination of its compliance with the requirements of a Grant, the entity will have the following reconsiderations in relation to that Grant:
    • Sponsoring Agency Reconsiderations. If a Sponsoring Agency provides for an appeal process, then the State Agency administering the Grant shall follow the appeal process provided by the federal program.
    • Federal Program Reconsiderations. If a federal program under which funding is provided for the Grant provides for an appeal process, then the State Agency administering the Grant shall follow the appeal process provided for by the federal program.
    • State Reconsiderations. If there is no Sponsoring Agency or federal appeal process available, then Applicants who believe that they should have been awarded a Competitive Grant when they were not or who believe that they were otherwise not properly awarded a Competitive Grant may submit their appeal to the State Agency’s Procurement Official or Program Administrator, who shall review the appeal and make a final determination, unless the authority for making this determination is otherwise specified by law. The sole remedy for Applicants shall be potential funding depending on availability of funding.
  • Contracts. Any protest, appeal, or dispute related to a Contract shall be resolved in accordance with the Procurement Code.

Grant Agreement Disputes

  • If Grantee or Subrecipient has a dispute related to a Grant Agreement to which they are a party, then the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the terms of the Grant Agreement. If the Grant Agreement does not include a dispute resolution process, the program staff at a State Agency shall attempt to resolve the dispute with the Applicant. If the program staff and the Applicant are unable to resolve the dispute, the Applicant shall appeal to the State Agency’s Procurement Official or Program Administrator if so delegated, who shall make a final determination to resolve the dispute.


This is internal guidance to assist State grant and procurement professionals in interpretation and application of the laws, rules, and policies that govern grant and procurement practices.  Every attempt is made to keep technical guidance information updated. For additional information, contact your department Procurement Official.


  • Appendix 1 to Competition Requirements for Grants and Contracts Technical Guidance
    • Classifications of Awards. There may be four or more levels of awards as funds are passed down from the initial funding source to the entity that provides the services or delivers the goods.

Classification and Requirements for Awards using Federal Funds

Award Level 1 - Award by a Federal Agency to:TransactionClassificationCompetitive Process
1a. State AgencyNon-ExchangeGrantState Agency Applies in Accordance wit Federal Requirements


Award Level 2 - Award by a State Agency to:TransactionClassificationCompetitive Process
2a. Subrecipient - State Agency services as PTENon-ExchangeGrantFollow competition Requirements for Grants Policy
2b. Contractor - State Agency hires Contractor, including Personal ServicesExchangeContractFollow Procurement Code


Award Level 3+ - Award by Subrecipient to:TransactionClassificationCompetitive Process
3a. Additional SubrecipientNon-ExchangeGrantFollow OMB Procurement Methods (unless otherwise waived by the federal agency providing the Federal Award)
3b. ContractorExchangeContractFollow OMB Procurement Methods (unless otherwise waived by the federal agency providing the Federal Award)


Award Level 3+ - Award by Contractor to:TransactionClassificationCompetitive Process
3a. SubcontractorExchangeContractFollow OMB Procurement Methods (unless otherwise waived by the federal agency providing the Federal Award)


Award Level 4+- Award by Subcontractor to:TransactionClassificationCompetitive Process
4a. Additional SubcontractorExchangeContractFollow OMB Procurement Methods (unless otherwise waived by the federal agency providing the Federal Award)


Classification and Requirements for Awards Using State and Private Funds Only

Award Level 1- appropriation by State General Assembly or non-appropriated amount from gifts, grants, or donations provided to:TransactionClassificationCompetitive Process
1a. State AgencyNon-ExchangeGrantState Agency Receives Appropriation from Legislature or Applies in Accordance with Private Grantor


Award Level 2- appropriation by State Agency to:TransactionClassificationCompetitive Process
2a. Grantee - State Agency serves as GrantorNon-ExchangeGrantFollow Competition Requirements for Grants Policy
2b. Contractor - State Agency hires Contractor, including Personal ServicesExchangeContractFollow Procurement Code


Award Level 3+- Award by Grantee to:TransactionClassificationCompetitive Process
3a. Additional GranteeNon-ExchangeGrantNone (unless otherwise specified in the Award)
3b. ContractorExchangeContractNone (unless otherwise specified in the Award)


Award Level 3+- Award by Contractor to:TransactionClassificationCompetitive Process
3a. SubcontractorExchangeContractNone (unless otherwise specified in the Award)


Award Level 4+- Award by Subcontractor to:TransactionClassificationCompetitive Process
4a. Additional SubcontractorExchangeContractNone (unless otherwise specified in the Award)