Model Purchase Orders and Content

State Controller Policy

Effective Date: 07/01/2019

Approved by: Robert Jaros, CPA, MBA, JD, Colorado State Controller


This policy is a State Controller Contract, Grant, and Purchase Order Policy under the State Fiscal Rules. All Purchase Orders shall use one of the approved model Purchase Order (PO) forms described in this policy unless the State Agency or Institution of Higher Education (IHE) has obtained the prior written approval from the Office of the State Controller (OSC).

  • Available Model Purchase Orders. The following model Purchase Orders may be used by State Agencies and IHEs without additional approval from the OSC:
    • Financial System Generated Purchase Order. This model is the system-generated document resulting from a Colorado Operations Resource Engine (CORE) PO encumbrance or through another approved State financial system, which explicitly references a link to the State of Colorado Purchase Order Terms and Conditions, attached to this policy. This model does not include documents that are not generated within CORE or another approved State financial system.
    • Other Approved Forms. A State Agency or IHE, at the discretion of the State Agency’s or IHE’s Procurement Official or State Controller delegate, may request the approval of other forms by the OSC.
    • Backup Forms. If CORE or the approved State financial system used by the State Agency or IHE is unavailable for an extended period of time when a PO must be issued, the State Agency or IHE, with the prior approval of the OSC, may use a backup form with the same or substantially similar appearance as one of the system-generated documents described in §1)a.
  • Modifications of Model Purchase Orders. A State Agency or IHE issuing a PO may not modify the State of Colorado Purchase Order Terms and Conditions attached to this policy, including Addendum 1: Additional Terms and Conditions for Information Technology (“Addendum”), in any way without prior written approval of the OSC.
    • Exception. The Office of Information Technology (OIT) may modify the provisions of Addendum for POs specifically issued by OIT with the prior written approval of the Procurement Official of OIT or authorized delegate, without obtaining additional approval from OSC.
    • Unauthorized Modifications. Except as described in §2)a., the failure of a State Agency or IHE to obtain approval from the OSC prior to issuing a PO with modified State of Colorado Purchase Order Terms and Conditions shall constitute a violation of Fiscal Rule 3-2, §§ 4.1.5. and 5.1.
  • Purchase Order Exhibits and References. All Purchase Orders shall either specifically reference the State of Colorado Purchase Order Terms and Conditions by hyperlink or, if modified in accordance with §2), attach the modified State of Colorado Purchase Order Terms and Conditions and shall clarify on the Purchase Order that the attached modified State of Colorado Purchase Order Terms and Conditions shall govern the Purchase Order in lieu of the State of Colorado Purchase Order Terms and Conditions referenced by hyperlink. Purchase Orders shall also include any additional exhibits, based on the nature of the work performed under the Purchase Order, as required by any other State agency with authority over that type of work or by any entity providing funding for the Purchase Order, including, but not limited to, the following:
    • Additional information technology provisions required by OIT.
    • Additional provisions required to comply with the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance or the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act.
    • Federally required attachments relating to confidential information, such as a Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Business Associate Addendum or a Federal Tax Information Exhibit.