State Price Agreements

Strategic Sourcing & Statewide Price Agreements

State Price Agreements

State Price Agreement Schedule (Overview of all contracts)

Guidance on Mandatory and Permissive State Price Agreements PDF

Sign up for weekly Price Agreement updates

Why Use Price Agreements?

  • Save Money - Volume Based Buying Power 
  • Save Time -  Competitively Solicited Price Agreements 
  • Protection - Legal Protection with Contract Utilization 

Common Items found on Price Agreements

  • Office Supplies
  • Paper
  • Vehicles
  • Copiers
  • Computers 
  • Software
  • Facilities MRO


  • The State Purchasing & Contracts Office negotiates, manages, and maintains all Price Agreements for commonly sourced items. 
  • Price Agreements can be utilized by all State Agencies, State Institutions of Higher Education, Local Governments, and Certified Nonprofits.
  • Price Agreements are typically awarded for a term not to exceed 5 years.
  • Details and a schedule for all Price Agreements can be viewed by selecting the link above.
  • Questions regarding Price Agreements can be directed to the Sourcing Specialist on the Price Agreement Page.

Price Agreement Contact Information


Forms for Price Agreement holders reporting sales to the State Purchasing and Contracts Office

Quarterly Volume Reporting Form with Administrative Fee Excel

Quarterly Volume Reporting Form without Administrative Fee Excel


For more information contact:

John Chapman 


Please also see: Information on the Nonprofit Cooperative Agreements